Procedures done Before Bariatric Surgery

weight loss surgery in UAE

Procedures Done Before Bariatric Surgery

Opting for bariatric surgery brings in life-changing results. Your healthcare provider should prepare and guide you right before the surgery. Soon after engaging with a surgeon, the person can help with the following:

  • Review your weight loss process
  • Discuss the aftereffects of the surgery
  • Learn about how the surgeon can help prepare for the surgery
  • Learn about the tips to follow during the postoperative phase

However, for bariatric surgery, you need to restrict your food habits and liquid intake and start medication before the surgery.

During the initial consultation, your surgeon will review your medical history and look for possible surgery options. Depending on the history, he will suggest the tests to have medical clearance and get ready for the surgery. When meeting with the medical specialist, make sure to ask questions regarding the surgery.

It will help you know how the surgery will be carried out, and you can recover quickly. Do not miss this information session with the surgeon, as it gives him better insight into a patient’s condition and whether the patient can take the effects of the surgery.

Preparation for a Bariatric Surgery

You need to do some routine tests before the bariatric surgery, and it includes:

  • Urinalysis and Chemistry panel
  • Complete blood count or CBC
  • Chest X-ray
  • Electrocardiogram

Other tests are:

  • Pulmonary function tests
  • Sleep studies
  • GI evaluation
  • Echocardiogram
  • Cardiology evaluation
  • Psychiatric evaluation

Why opt For the Pre-Admission Tests?

Before bariatric surgery, the tests are important, including a sleep study, chest X-ray, EKG, lab work, and seeing an anesthesiologist. The clinical evaluation includes checking the stomach, esophagus, and parts of the small intestine before the surgery. The patient should be aware of each test, the steps, and its importance before the surgery.

It is also important to control blood sugar levels. Moreover, surgery can lead to cardiac stress, the doctor will suggest evaluating your heart, breathing difficulties, liver function, excess fluid in the tissue, blood fat level or mineral and salt level in the body.

What is the Need for a Sleep Study?

The steep study can detect abnormal breathing issues relating to sudden air passage blockage during sleep. It can trigger a high mortality rate. The situation can be alarming when you will have to take sedatives after surgery. The tests clearly show what you have and how much you can handle the medications after your weight loss operation.

Need for Psychological Evaluation

A bariatric surgery patient needs to make certain lifestyle changes to reach weight loss goals. There will be changes in social life and emotional well-being. Your caregiver needs to ensure that you can make adjustments, nutritional and behavioral changes, supporting a healthy lifestyle after surgery. If you have a history of mental health problems, it’s better to talk about them with a psychologist for assistance.

Learning About Nutrition Before Weight Loss Operation

It needs healthy eating habits to make the most of a weight loss operation. Your dietician can help with suitable dietary changes before and after the surgery. Having the right food in the right portion and at the right time is essential. Make sure your food has the right amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and it helps in your smooth healing. Your dietician can suggest supplements if necessary, tracking food intake is essential.

Along with diet, regular exercising is an important component of your daily habits. It can make your recovery process easy and smooth. Your blood tests will help evaluate your nutritional and metabolic state better before finalizing the surgery.

Go for pre-surgery Anesthesia Preparation

A weight loss operation takes place with general anesthesia. There can be certain risk factors that can associate with the way in which anesthesia works. If a patient has sleep apnea, anesthesiologists need to consider airway management plans. The main idea is to help the person overcome the necessary steps of the surgery at ease, including anesthesia. This is where a thorough medical checkup of the patient can help them recover easily.

Getting Medical Clearance

Excess body weight can be riskier for any type of surgery. But before your surgeon declares you fit for bariatric surgery, the care team will assess your lungs and heart functions. It helps ensure that your body is strong and can withstand the effects of the surgery. You should undergo the necessary blood tests to ensure the correct body functioning.

Some patients may have gastrointestinal problems and need an endoscopy. In this regard, the surgeon will suggest a radiology study, sleep apnea test, or bone density test. Depending on the results, the surgeon will finalize the bariatric surgery.

Author Bio

Dr. Abdulsalam Al Taie is a certified and expert bariatric surgeon at the Al Taie Center. His expertise and knowledge in the field help patients who are planning to undergo surgery at ease. The blog highlights how to mentally and physically prepare a person for bariatric surgery, making it easy for them to recover.






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